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Approval to Search: Opening a Posting

In order to open a search for a tenure-line or career-line faculty position, departments submit a Posting Proposal for approval within PeopleAdmin.

-  The Posting Proposal includes the job announcement, which should describe the basic parameters of the job, articulate essential qualifications and experience required, and demonstrate the department’s commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion.

-  The Posting Proposal also includes a list of advertising venues in which the department plans to place the job announcement.


Occasionally, departments may have an opportunity to hire a particular unique and well-qualified individual. In these cases, departments should submit a Search Waiver request, for example as part of the recruitment or retention of another faculty member on campus through a Dual Career Academic Partners Hire.  Please keep in mind that search waiver approval is not automatic, and that departments should reach out to the AVP for Faculty or SVPAA as early as possible to discuss the possibility of a search waiver.


                  • Click HERE for Posting Proposal Instructions for PeopleAdmin (coming soon!)
                  • Click HERE for the Faculty Hiring Guide, which includes tips and strategies for writing job announcements and choosing advertising venues
                  • Click HERE for a list of Potential Advertising Venues
                  • Click HERE for the Search Waiver process
                  • Click HERE for the Dual Career Academic Partners Program