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Preparing for Tenure & Promotion Series

The RPT and Faculty Review Workshops are designed to assist the faculty member under review with (1) preparing materials and (2) understanding the process. This three-part workshop series is specifically designed for pre-tenure faculty members preparing for a formal review in the next academic year to give them adequate time to prepare. There will be three workshops for folks preparing for retention and three separate workshops for faculty preparing for tenure and promotion.

Invitations will be sent directly to those faculty members who fall into these categories. If you are going up for a formal review next year and do not receive any communications about one of these series by the end of September please reach out to the office for faculty at

The workshop titles are listed below and will be the same for each set of workshops. Materials will be shared with attendees after each workshop is complete.

  1. CV and Timeline Planning
  2. The RPT File
  3. Personal Statements (Teaching, Research, & Service Statements)