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Preparing for Promotion to Professor

These events are designed for faculty members who have been Associate Professors for at least four years and who would like to be considered for promotion in the next 1-3 years. There will be a workshop for associate professors and a separate workshop for associate professor administrators*. If you are already scheduled to go up for promotion in Fall 2022, this workshop will not be useful to you.

* “Associate Professor Administrator” means any associate professor who is also serving as a Director of Graduate or Undergraduate Studies, Associate Chair, Program Director, Department Chair, Associate Dean, or the like.

Invitations will be sent directly to those faculty members who fall into these categories. If you've been an associate professor for four or more years and do not receive any communications about one of these events by the end of April please reach out to the office for faculty at

Topics may include, but will not be limited to:

  • Full Professor Expectations
  • Time Management
  • Self-Reflection/Self-Knowledge:
    • Behavior, Emotions, Self-Care
  • Career Aspirations
  • Balancing Research/Teaching/Service/Administration
  • Writing a Research Plan & Timeline
  • Individual Work Session to Develop Research Plans & Timelines
  • Workshops of Research Plans & Timelines
  • Making the Decision for Promotion:
    • Barriers, Accountability, Change, & Self-Representation