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Home Faculty Handbook Rights and Responsibilities of Faculty

Rights and Responsibilities of Faculty

The rights, responsibilities, and other standards for Faculty are addressed in the Regulations Library of the University of Utah. The applicable policies and sections are below.

Academic Freedom

  • Academic Freedom and Faculty Rights Committee (Policy 6-002)
  • Dismissal or Forced Resignations (Policy 6-307)
  • Terminations (For Cause, Medical Reasons, Financial Exigency) and Program Discontinuance (Policy 6-313)
  • School Disruptions & Civil Disturbances (Policy 1-005)
  • University Speech Policy (Policy 1-007)

Code of Faculty Rights and Responsibilities (Policy 6-316)

Non-Discrimination Policy and Rules

Conflict of Interest/Commitment/Purchasing/Intellectual Property

  • Individual Financial Conflict of Interest Policy (Policy 1-006) and the associated rules, guidelines, and procedures.
  • Faculty Enrollment in Degree Program (Policy 6-300)
  • Faculty Profit Making Endeavors (Policy 7-004)
  • Remunerative Consultation and Other Employment Activities (Policy 5-204)
  • Additional Compensation and Overload (Policy 5-403) and associated rules.
  • Employment or Supervision of Immediate Family (Policy 5-105)
  • Restricted Purchases and Special Procurement (Rule 3-100E)
  • Use and Security of Property (Policy 4-005)
  • Copying of Copyrighted Materials (Policy 7-013)
  • Performance or Display of Copyrighted Materials (Policy 7-014)
  • Copyright Policy: Ownership of Copyrightable Works and Related Works (Policy 7-003)

Faculty Employee Records

  • Personnel Records (including the maintenance & location of files and faculty rights to inspect and copy.) (Policy 5-002)

Other Policies to Note

  • Resignation (Policy 6-307)
  • Alcohol Use/Consumption in University Facilities and
  • Requirements for Notification of Certain Drug Convictions,
  • Drug Free Workplace (Policy 5-113) and related rules
    • Drug Testing Policy for Health Sciences Center
  • Required Professional Boundaries in Relationships (Policy 1-020)

Grievance Procedures

The University encourages informal resolution of problems through direct conversations (if appropriate), the assistance of administrators and the use of mediators as appropriate. Many of the University’s formal grievance procedures require an initial attempt at informal resolution before they may proceed. The University Faculty may bring grievances against other members of the University community through several different processes depending upon the classification (employee/student) of the individual against whom the grievance is made and the nature of the grievance.

  • A grievance against a student is normally brought pursuant to the Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities. (Policy 6-400)
  • A grievance against a regular staff member is normally brought by the employee’s supervisor in consultation with Human Resources through the Corrective Action and Termination Policy for Staff Employees. (Policy 5-111)
  • Staff Policy for grievances arising out of violations of University policy (Policy 5-203)
  • A grievance arising out of a claim of discrimination or sexual harassment is generally brought pursuant to the Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Policy which applies to all the University community (Faculty, Staff, Students). (Policy 1-012)
  • If a discrimination complaint is raised in the context of another Faculty proceeding, however, the Consolidated Hearing Committee is the appropriate forum. (Policy 6-011)
  • Complaints with allege a violation of rules of the Faculty Code are brought pursuant to the Code of Faculty Rights and Responsibilities (Policy 6-316) and the Consolidated Hearing Process. (Policy 6-011)

University Legal Advice

The University’s attorneys through the Office of General Counsel provide legal advice to University employees and entities who in the course of their responsibilities are acting on behalf of the University.

Faculty members are entitled to representation and legal defense if named in lawsuits brought against them as employees of the University as set forth in Utah statute. Requests for legal defense must be made in writing to the cognizant vice president.

  • Accident and Liability Reporting and Prevention (Policy 5-310)
    • Notification of Request for Legal Defense